Thursday, November 24, 2016

and so she did....

So here I am .... 25/11/2016 a month from Christmas. Less than a month til my contract expires from work and 7 years since I have been sick and diagnosed in October 2010. Nothing will ever stop the memories from flooding through. The day I went to the hospital tore open my results and saw   LEISONS PROBABLE OF MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS. My whole world imploded. People sent me flowers when they found out, as if what I had been given was a death sentence. I remember sitting in the living room with my parents, grandpa and aunty. What now? Everyone stared down into their cups of tea and looked at me with sad eyes. Things started not making sense in my head. The more research I did the more I was able to put the puzzle together. I remember the researching was so bad at one stage dad thought I had a problem and took the internet connection away from me. Nothing was making sense in relation to my diagnosis. Then I stumbled on it. My symptoms were the perfect match of a Lyme like illness. So I pushed my neurologist to test me and received back I am being stupid and to take the injectable he had given me. I remember dumping them down the sink and lying to my dad that I had taken them. I remember the MS nurse coming over and telling me kids weren't a possibility. NOTHING was making sense. The more research I had done the more I realised I must or might have contracted it when I lived in the Catskills in America or I could have been bitten here? My parents thought I was insane. Thus my journey began, through lost friendships and relationships I knew one thing. This was not going to get me. Cut to 7 years later and I am about to embark of a journey of a lifetime. I am going to Cyprus in January 2017 to be treated for my illness. Some may call it Lyme Disease, a Lyme like illness some may pigeon hole it as Multiple Sclerosis. But I will go for a 30 day treatment to see if I can lessen myself of this horrible disease. The sky is the limit.

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